Friday, November 19, 2021

The New Rittenhouse Rules


Kyle Rittenhouse has been set loose by the White Supremacist judge who took it more easily on that murderous teenager than he ever would have on George Floyd. Score 2 for the George Zimmermans of the world.

This establishes a precedent and puts us into a horrific new world when it comes to public action and protests on behalf of justice.

Remember, folks -- the people who are cheering for Rittenhouse are the same people who cheered for a badged government thug summarily executing George Floyd, violating his Constitutional right to the same fair and speedy trial by a jury of his peers that Rittenhouse himself used to his advantage.  

That's all fine with Rittenhouse fans, because that's what he crossed state lines to commit murder to support -- badged government enforcers trampling on the rights of American citizens with impunity.

These are the same people who, at every opportunity, demand the right to commit murder as they please, without any sort of check on their ability to do so.  That's what their deliberate negating of the entire first half of the 2nd Amendment is about -- what they want is a free-for-all of lethal violence.

These are the same people who claim to fear a tyrannical government, and then turn right around and cheer for the government acting tyrannically.  Just look at how often they've cheered, "Lock her up" when their Fuhrer talked about abusing his power to summarily jail his political opponents.

They cheer for raping women, forcing them to carry unwanted pregnancies and then turn around and pretend they're "pro-life" after ruining numerous lives forever.

They demand that your employer gain more and more power over your life as your wages stagnate and prices rise.   This is why they oppose raising wages to meet the local cost of living.  They want a full slave economy back and think they'll somehow not be subject to it.

They cheer for your loved ones getting needlessly sick and dying in medical bankruptcy.  Because, after all, helping sick people get well and NOT draining their bank account for it is somehow Marxist in their twisted minds.  This is why they oppose Universal Medical care, because they foolishly believe they won't need it.

These are the people who want to actually burn books in Virginia schools because those books might present kids with ideas counter to the "Whites-only" Fascist narrative of the Right Wing.  Ideas like alternative sexuality, or gender fluidity, or simply treating women with the same respect that we expect women to show to men.  

If you're a descendant of African slaveryLGBT, Trans, Muslim, Mexican or Alternative to White Cis-Hetero Christian in any way, the same Right Wingers who claim to hate the idea of the government in their bedroom will demand that government thugs kick in your door and invade your bedroom.  They were fine with that being done to Breonna Taylor.  They'll be fine with that being done to you.

The people who cheer for such heinous things are heinous people, who will do nobody here any good at all and should be treated as a clear and present danger.  Our politics reflect our ethics and our character.  They've shown us theirs at every turn.  We should stop making excuses, believe them and treat them accordingly.

So, we have a choice now -- we can start treating them the way they keep insisting innocents should be treated, and guarantee that more violence will ensue by visiting their own actions upon them...


We can make a concerted effort to make sure they do not have a platform to spew their bile from.

I'm going with the second option.  And I need your help to do it.

I am posting this on all of my social media pages.  I recommend everybody who reads this do the same.

Anybody who supports Rittenhouse, Chauvin, Trump or the Republican Party at all in my friends list should just do us all a favor and disconnect from me.  

Right now. 

I don't want to know you.

Any post that I find from here on in, actively promoting that racist, inhumane mindset that says it's OK to treat people as disposable, non-whites as inferior, women as broodmares and general basic human decency as unacceptable will be reported as hate speech and threats of violence.  

Let's make it impossible for them to post a thing, or connect with anybody else.  Let's make sure their reputations are so damaged that they can't get into their own families' parties, because nobody wants scum like them around.

Personal shunning is the best and most ethical way, short of violence, that I can think of to deal with such sad excuses for human beings.  

They want a war -- let's make sure they have nowhere to go to wage it.

The alternative is far too horrible to contemplate...and it is exactly what the Right Wing wants.

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