Sunday, August 30, 2020


Well, here we are.  

In a pandemic lock-down with over 170,000 Americans dead due to the massive incompetence of the Orange Nazi, police brutality at such an all-time high that they're now letting vigilantes murder the citizenry for them, Drumpf is openly trying to rig the election and has apparently ordered his government to allow further outside interference.

Meanwhile, his supporters are doing everything they can to make the situation worse. From defending a murderous terrorist, to attacking the very foundations of our democracy as "Communist," to literally doing themselves what they accuse their opposition of doing.

Frankly, I've lost patience with it.

Can you imagine the Regressives' outrage if we treated them like they treat us?  

    I wonder if we did that and were arrested -- as any person should be for such actions in a civilized society -- could we use every NRA talking point you've ever heard as a suitable legal defense? 

    Probably not.

    And yet, the Regressives are now doing all of this, out in the open, with little or no real opposition or check.

    It's hard to imagine a more clear picture of what an oppressive, tyrannical government looks like than this.  And yet, every single Regressive looks at this picture and cheers for the government.  

    Imagine their reaction if the officer was black and the victim was white.

    We cannot allow this to continue.

    Our first line of defense is the VOTE.  We have to get the Orange Nazi out of office, by any and all means available.  So long as he continues to play dictator, we don't have a prayer of building the society we deserve.

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